DCE Mini Unit

Repentance & Forgiveness

It is important that our children know that everyone at the church, young children, teens and even parents are always learning more about the church and about God. One way to develop this insight is an All Parish Education time.   This can be done after the Liturgy on Sunday or at any other convenient time in your parish (e.g. Saturday after Vespers, Friday evening.)   The topics will only be limited by your creativity.  

During the Liturgy Father's Sermon could focus on repentance.   Prior to the Veneration of the Cross, directions for the program and the time frame for the activity are given.   You announce the groupings (e.g. church school classes, college students and young adults, and adults), room assignments and group leaders.   A short coffee hour, approximately 20 minutes, should precede the start of the discussions.   Meet in your groups for 40 minutes.   Each group determines how they report back to the congregation when they reconvene in the Nave.   The classes of younger children can give their responses to the pre-scripted questions either individually or with pictures and drawings.     Different groups have different questions to discuss. These are distributed to the leaders a week or so prior to the All Parish Education Day. At the upper grades and in the adult groups, a class recorder gives an overview of the reactions to their pre-scripted questions.

It is always interesting at these All Parish Education gatherings to hear and/or see the report section of the program and the similarities and /or differences in their responses. Encourage parents to further discuss the findings of their children ’ s group and to compare them to the dialogue in their section.

Listed below are the timeline, discussion questions and example groupings used for this activity.


9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

10:25 a.m. Introduction and explanation of the program

10:30 a.m. Veneration of the Cross

10:35 a.m. Coffee, milk, donuts etc.

10:55 a.m. Participants report to appropriate group

11:40 a.m. Groups reconvene in the Narthex of the church

Noon Dismissal with prayer

Discussion Questions

Please discuss your group's activity with your children. Questions generated in the group sessions can be addressed in the weekly bulletin.

Group 1 (Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 1)

Group 2 (Grade 2)

Group 3 (Grades 3 & 4)

Group 4 (Grades 5 & 6)

Group 5 (Grades 7 & 8)
Select one question for discussion.

Group 6 (Grades 9 & 10)
Select one question for discussion.

Groups 7 & 8 (Young Adults, Adults & Seniors)
Select one question for discussion.

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church ~ Parma, OH