The Tikhvin Icon
This is a type of icon called the Hodigitria, or Pointer of the Way. In it the Theotokos is holding Christ upright. She is gesturing with her right hand, "presenting" Him, as if she were saying to us, as she did to the servants at the wedding feast at Cana "Do whatever he tells you." (John 2:5) Over some icons a riza, a decorative cover, was put to protect them, and as time went on people added precious jewels to some. In this icon you can see that Christ is blessing with his right hand and with his left he is holding a rolled up scroll.
The Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir
This is a type of icon called Loving Kindness or Compassion. You can see how Christ and the Theotokos are touching each other more closely. It reminds us of their love for each other and their love for us. There are many miraculous icons of this type and many people have a copy of this type of icon in their own prayer corner.
Our Lady of the Sign
In this type of icon the Theotokos has her arms upraised in prayer. This is called the Orans position. Sometimes we see this icon in the domes of Orthodox Churches or behind the altar table in the sanctuary. Christ is shown inside the Theotokos, as He was before He was born. It reminds us of the prophecy of Isaiah: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14)
The Icon of the Protection
This type of icon recalls an event, like the festal icons we looked at during the other sessions. This one is the icon of the Protection. In the icon the Theotokos is in the Orans position of prayer, but above her you can see the angels holding a cloth. This icon commemorates the Theotokos' protection of the city of Constantinople.