Genesis 2 & 3 Review Activity
A mini-review of Genesis 2 & 3
Three sets each of the following:
- 4 Envelopes marked GOD, ADAM, EVE, SERPENT
- 16 strips of paper with the following phrases, including the numbers (answers in italics)
- Mother of all living (Eve)
- The only one cursed by God (Serpent)
- The one who named Eve (Adam)
- Maker of heaven and earth (God)
- Tempter of human beings (Serpent)
- Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh (Eve)
- The one who named all creatures (Adam)
- The one who called "Where are you?" to Adam (God)
- The one who said, "You won't die. You'll be like God" (Serpent)
- The one who accused the serpent (Eve)
- The one who needed a fit helper/partner (Adam)
- The one who made garments for sinful loved ones (God)
- The one who was given the privilege of tilling the garden in paradise (Adam)
- The first one tempted, but not the only one who sinned (Eve)
- The one who planted a garden east of Eden (God)
- The one who denied the truth of God's words (Serpent)
- 4 baskets or small containers in which, for the activity, you will mix and distribute randomly the 48 strips of paper. Then put the containers in various places around the room. The object is for three groups of students to go around and find 4 different correct strips of paper to put in each envelope. The words on each strip apply to one of the persons or characters named on the envelopes.
- As a mini-review of the passages from Genesis, divide students into 3 groups.
- Give each group a set of four envelopes.
- Tell the groups to go around the room and find, from among the strips of paper in the containers, four strips containing names or descriptions to match correctly the names on each of their envelopes. You may want to make the activity a contest to see which group can be first to fill its envelopes with the correct answers.
- They should then put the strips in the proper envelope. Students can consult Genesis 2 and 3 to find answers.
- Review the answers with the class. (Answers are in the Materials section above.)
- Make these points as you go over them:
- Eve is called the "mother of all living." This tells us two things. First, this title is one of honor, not of disgrace. Second, since we are part of "all living", the story of Eve and Adam is about all of us.
- Point out the intimacy of the original relationship between God and His creatures which is reflected in His walking in the garden with Adam and Eve, and missing Adam’s presence so that He calls to him, “Where are you?” This is the closeness to God that we lose when we sin, but that He wants to have with us always.
- Look together at the icon of the Resurrection, and notice that Eve and Adam, with all of humanity, are led by Christ out of the power of death. Their sin of disobedience has been forgiven, and they are given the gift of eternal life with everyone.
- We see that the devil lies to us (in the guise of a serpent in this story) by telling us we don't need God.
- Adam, as tiller of the garden in paradise, is given not only love but trust by God.