Family Memories Scrapbook
While working on this activity, you may choose to begin work on the Extra Activity, Life-Sized Figures, at the end of this session. Assistance will be required to work on both projects simultaneously.
- Have students open their envelopes brought from home.
- Placing materials in front of each student, instruct them to place their family photos on the construction paper. Try to give students enough room to write captions. Provide additional paper, if necessary.
- When students have arranged photos, assist in gluing these to construction paper.
- Ask students to identify family members in photo and write names under photos.
- Have students share family stories brought in with photos. Students may need assistance with prompts like, What was your favorite time with your [family member in photo]? , or if accounts were written by parents or not explained to them.
- Mount written accounts on construction paper. If stories are being recalled orally, write them down on the white-lined paper and mount it on construction paper. Add these accounts to their scrapbook.
- You can also have students expand their scrapbook. They may want to collect and bring in favorite family photos that tell a story about something family members like to remember: vacation trips, visits to grandma's house, time spent with cousins, special events, funny things that happened, etc.
- Take 3 sections of yarn and string through holes. Tie into bows. Do NOT knot together, as pages will be added in subsequent sessions.
- You can also record family stories or class discussion on audio or videotape to display at end of sessions.
- Distribute another piece of construction paper to each student, and, if possible, have them write their name on it. The teacher can then write the title, “Family Memories Scrapbook.” If student isn’t able, the teacher may write their name along with title.
- If there is time, or if students were not able to bring in photos, they can also draw pictures of their families or individual member. They may also wish to add captions identifying family members and to add drawings of special times together.