Families are Different (Suggested Book)Author(s): Nina Pellegrini ISBN: 0823408876, 9780823408870 |
Family Collage (PDF)Author(s): DCE Instructions to construct a family collage for Preschool and Primary grades. |
Family Life (PDF)Author(s): DCE Seven pages of ideas for activities to emphasize family life. Includes instructions for doing oral histories and ideas for coffee hours. Referenced in "My Orthodox Family". |
Family Memoirs (PDF)Author(s): DCE Instructions for making a family albumn of memories. Referenced in "My Orthodox Family". |
Family Memories Scrapbook (HTML)Author(s): DCE Activity involving the creation of a memories scrapbook. |
Family Scrapbook (HTML)Resource for My Orthodox Family |
Family Stories (PDF)Author(s): DCE Ideas for family stories and journaling - all ages. Referenced in "My Orthodox Family". |
Family Tree (PDF)Author(s): DCE Instructions to constructing a family tree for Preschool and Primary grades. |
Flowers for the Theotokos (HTML)Author(s): DCE Activity to make paper "flowers" for the Theotokos. For use in the FOCUS units. |
Following Bible Journeys (PDF)Author(s): DCE Activities using maps from Biblical times |
For Gloriously Has He Been Glorified (PDF)Text and music for this hymn |
Friday-Sunday--The 3 Day Pascha (PDF)Author(s): DCE Examines the meaning of the Paschal celebration, using the hymnography of the season. Referenced in "Journey to Pascha". |
Genesis 2 & 3 Review Activity (HTML)Author(s): DCE for use in FOCUS unit on the Theotokos |
God Loves Us, Take Home #21 (Suggested Book)ISBN: OCEC 1.800.464.2744 |