Our Lord's Last Days on Earth (HTML)Author(s): DCE Bible Resource After the supper, Christ asked His disciples to come with Him to the garden to pray. He was full of sorrow, knowing what terrible things were coming... |
Palm Crosses (PDF)Author(s): DCE |
Pentecost Activities (PDF)Author(s): DCE |
Preparing for Our Lord’s Birth (PDF)Author(s): DCE As we move through the Nativity Fast, or Advent, the Church calendar is studded with the feast days of many great saints. One of the most appealing is Saint Herman, who is commemorated on December 13th. |
Review Questions (John 11: 1-43) (PDF)Author(s): DCE Question Activity based on John 11: 1-43. |
Reviewing the Story (John 11: 1-43) (PDF)Author(s): DCE Fill in the missing words Activity based on John 11: 1-43. |
St. Juliana the Merciful (PDF)Author(s): DCE The biography of St. Juliana the Merciful and the life icon. |
St. Mary of Egypt (PDF)Author(s): DCE The biography of St. Mary of Egypt and the life icon. |
St. Nicholas Archbishop of Myra in Lycia (HTML)Author(s): OCA Feasts & Saints Resource Brief Biography of St Nicholas the Wonderworker and Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. |
St. Nicholas Archbishop of Myra in Lycia Icon (Image)Commemorated on December 6 |
St. Nicholas Banners (HTML)Create a banner, collage, bulletin board, poster, etc. depicting the life and works of St. Nicholas. Discuss while the students are creating this banner what good works we can do in our lives. |