Activity Resources

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St. Nicholas life icon (PDF)

Author(s): DCE

The life of St. Nicholas and the life icon with an explanation.

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St. Nicholas Shoes (HTML)

Author(s): DCE

Some cultures leave shoes out so that St. Nicholas can fill them with treats.

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St. Nicholas Troparian & Kontakion (Suggested Book)

Author(s): DCE Liturgical Resource

ISBN: In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence...

Troparian (Tone 4)
In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith,
an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence;
your humility exalted you;
your poverty enriched you.
Hierarch Father Nicholas,
entreat Christ our God
that our souls may be saved.

Kontakion (Tone 3)
You revealed yourself, O saint, in Myra as a priest,
For you fulfilled the Gospel of Christ
By giving up your soul for your people,
And saving the innocent from death.
Therefore you are blessed as one become wise in the grace of God.

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Summer Crafts (HTML)

Author(s): Father James McLuckie

Orthodox Educator Glass icons, laminated icons

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Teaching Devices: Journaling (HTML)

Author(s): DCE

Description of Journaling for use in FOCUS units.

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The Holy Eucharist (Image)

This icon does not depict an event from the life of Christ or His apostles. Rather, it represents the timeless, eternal, and mystical event being celebrated celestially. The Eucharist is not restricted to a particular time or place.

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The Incarnation in Poetry and Song (PDF)

Author(s): Constance Tarasar/David Drillock

A study unit on the Incarnation for teens and adults, formerly published in "The Orthodox Educator".

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The Last Supper line drawing (PDF)

Author(s): Fr. John Matusiak

In this line drawing of the Last or Mystical Suppper Christ is the central figure. St. John the Beloved, the Evangelist, is to Christ's right. As the youngest of the disciples he is depicted without a beard. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ is the third figure from Christ's left. He is dipping his hand into the dish (see Matthew 26:20-25).

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The Orthodox Church in America (Link)

Lives of the Saints Joseph, Joachim and Anna

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The Orthodox Mirror Exercise (PDF)

Author(s): DCE

An activity for assessing values, used in Level 4 and above in the My Orthodox Family unit.

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