Following Bible Journeys (PDF)Author(s): DCE Activities using maps from Biblical times |
Discovering Biblical Meanings in Liturgical Verses (PDF)Author(s): DCE 13 pages of verses and scriptural references during the services of the Nativity |
Memory Box (PDF)Author(s): DCE Instructions to create a memory box. Referenced in "My Orthodox Family". |
Family Tree (PDF)Author(s): DCE Instructions to constructing a family tree for Preschool and Primary grades. |
Family Collage (PDF)Author(s): DCE Instructions to construct a family collage for Preschool and Primary grades. |
Family Life (PDF)Author(s): DCE Seven pages of ideas for activities to emphasize family life. Includes instructions for doing oral histories and ideas for coffee hours. Referenced in "My Orthodox Family". |
Family Memoirs (PDF)Author(s): DCE Instructions for making a family albumn of memories. Referenced in "My Orthodox Family". |
Family Stories (PDF)Author(s): DCE Ideas for family stories and journaling - all ages. Referenced in "My Orthodox Family". |
The Incarnation in Poetry and Song (PDF)Author(s): Constance Tarasar/David Drillock A study unit on the Incarnation for teens and adults, formerly published in "The Orthodox Educator". |
Friday-Sunday--The 3 Day Pascha (PDF)Author(s): DCE Examines the meaning of the Paschal celebration, using the hymnography of the season. Referenced in "Journey to Pascha". |
Activities, Crafts & Projects (PDF)Author(s): DCE Games, stories, handouts and ideas for activites for "My Orthodox Family". Includes a Personal Value Inventory and Think and Write Prompts. |
The Orthodox Mirror Exercise (PDF)Author(s): DCE An activity for assessing values, used in Level 4 and above in the My Orthodox Family unit. |
The Tree of Life "Caring Tree" (PDF)Author(s): DCE Referenced in My Orthodox Family, this activity is for all ages. |
The Trial of Jesus (PDF)Author(s): Fr. Steven Voytovich Referenced in Journey to Pascha, this activity, developed by St. Alexis of Wilkes-Barre Mission, Clinton, CT, complete with two scenes and narration. |