On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow! (HTML)Author(s): Denise Jillions Orthodox Educator. PARISH EDUCATION: REFLECTION FOR CHURCH GROWTH
On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow!
Oral History (HTML)Author(s): Eleana Silk An informative article on preparing an Oral History. Taken from the OCA Resource Handbook for Lay Ministries. |
Preparing for the Coming Church School Year (HTML)Author(s): Faith Kuharsky Orthodox Educator. NOW is the Time!
Preparing for the Coming School Year |
PSALMS: That Lead Us Into Lent (HTML)Author(s): Father Paul Lazor Orthodox Educator. PSALMS: That Lead Us Into Lent |
Raising Children: A Commentary by a Saint (HTML)Author(s): Kathleen Haverlack Orthodox Educator. FAMILY LIFE:RAISING CHILDREN
References - Journey to Pascha (PDF)Author(s): DCE A list containing a number of books and articles that provide excellent reference material for the unit "Journey to Pascha". |
Reflections of A College Freshman (HTML)Author(s): Gregory and Arlene Kallaur Orthodox Educator. |
School's Out! Will the Family Survive the Summer? (HTML)Author(s): Arlene Kallaur Orthodox Educator. Family Life
School's Out! Will the Family Survive the Summer? |
Study Unit for Teens: Following the Saints (HTML)Author(s): Valerie G. Zahirsky Orthodox Educator |
Study Unit: Transfiguration (HTML)Author(s): Constance Tarasar Orthodox Educator
need icon of transfiguration |
Study Unit: Incarnation is Poetry and Song (HTML)Author(s): Constance Tarasar and David Drillock Orthodox Educator. Study Unit for Teens or Adults
needs to be formatted better |
The Betrayal and Passion of Our Lord (PDF)Author(s): V. Rev. Paul Lazor An introduction to the Matins of Holy Friday, celebrated on the evening of Holy Thursday. This article contains hymnography from the service and discusses the events of Holy Thursday-Holy Friday. |
The Bridegroom Services of Holy Week (PDF)Author(s): V. Rev. Paul Lazor Introduction to the services and hymnography of the Bridegroom Services of Holy Week. Referenced in "Journey to Pascha". |
The Child with Autism in Church (PDF)Author(s): Barbara Zahirsky Soroka, MSED, LMSW Here are some suggestions to help children with autism, their parents, and other members of the congregation make attendance at Divine Liturgy a time of joy and mutual acceptance for everyone. |