The Parish Prepares for Christmas (PDF)Author(s): Fr. John Tkachuk A three page reference on how we prepare for Christmas in the Church, the Church School and in the family. This is a great review for the Nativity Season FOCUS Unit, as it encapsulates all that has gone before the Feast of the Nativity. |
The Parish Prepares for Christmas (HTML)Author(s): Rev. John Tkachuk Orthodox Educator. THE PARISH PREPARES FOR CHRISTMAS - FOR THE REMEMBRANCE OF CHRIST |
The Paschal Service (PDF)Author(s): Fr. Paul Lazor An introduction to the Midnight Office, Matins, Hours and Divine Liturgy of Pascha. |
The Saints: They Walked with God (HTML)Author(s): Fr. Vladimir Borichevsky Orthodox Educator. EDUCATORS IN THE CHURCH: SAINTS
The Winter Pascha (PDF)Author(s): Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko An introduction to the Nativity/Theophany cycle from the book THE WINTER PASCHA, with a comparison of the Nativity/Theophany cycle with the Holy Week/Pascha cycle. |
Theophany: The Feast of the Manifestation of God (HTML)Author(s): Veselin Kesich Orthodox Educator. THEOPHANY: THE FEAST OF THE MANIFESTATION OF GOD
"Today Creation Is Renewed"
Needs icon & better formatting |
This is the Blessed Sabbath (PDF)Author(s): Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann An introduction to the events, services and theology of Holy Saturday. |
Through the Cross, Joy has come into all the World (HTML)Author(s): Veselin Kesich Orthodox Educator. A Liturgical Reflection
Through the Cross, Joy has come into all the World
Needs to be formatted better |
To Love is to Remember (PDF)Author(s): Alexander Schmemann "To Love is to Remember" was published in 1975 as an introduction to the Orthodox Church in America's bicentennial volume Orthodox America: 1794-1976, celebrating the U.S. Bicentennial. It is a reflection upon the establishment and growth of Orthodox Christianity throughout all of North America that continues to provide an appropriate and challenging word for our Orthodox mission today. |
Transfiguration: The Feast Of Light and Glory (HTML)Author(s): Veselin Kesich Orthodox Educator. THE TRANSFIGURATION OF OUR LORD
The Feast Of Light and Glory
need more formatting |
Unless You Become Like Children (HTML)Author(s): Constance Tarasar Orthodox Educator. EDUCATORS IN THE CHURCH: CHILDREN - Unless You Become Like Children |
You Have A Diaconate "Walking in Newness of Life" (HTML)Author(s): Protodeacon Michael Roshak Orthodox Educator. You Have A Diaconate "Walking in Newness of Life"" |