To Love is to Remember (PDF)Author(s): Alexander Schmemann "To Love is to Remember" was published in 1975 as an introduction to the Orthodox Church in America's bicentennial volume Orthodox America: 1794-1976, celebrating the U.S. Bicentennial. It is a reflection upon the establishment and growth of Orthodox Christianity throughout all of North America that continues to provide an appropriate and challenging word for our Orthodox mission today. |
The Betrayal and Passion of Our Lord (PDF)Author(s): V. Rev. Paul Lazor An introduction to the Matins of Holy Friday, celebrated on the evening of Holy Thursday. This article contains hymnography from the service and discusses the events of Holy Thursday-Holy Friday. |
References - Journey to Pascha (PDF)Author(s): DCE A list containing a number of books and articles that provide excellent reference material for the unit "Journey to Pascha". |
Bibliography - The Nativity Season (PDF)Author(s): DCE Bibliographica references for use with the unit "The Nativity Season". |
Classroom Management (PDF)Author(s): DCE Seven pages of classroom management techniques. |
Death and Burial (PDF)Author(s): V. Rev. Paul Lazor Introduction to the Vespers of Great and Holy Friday. |
This is the Blessed Sabbath (PDF)Author(s): Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann An introduction to the events, services and theology of Holy Saturday. |
The Winter Pascha (PDF)Author(s): Protopresbyter Thomas Hopko An introduction to the Nativity/Theophany cycle from the book THE WINTER PASCHA, with a comparison of the Nativity/Theophany cycle with the Holy Week/Pascha cycle. |
The Paschal Service (PDF)Author(s): Fr. Paul Lazor An introduction to the Midnight Office, Matins, Hours and Divine Liturgy of Pascha. |
Great and Holy Saturday (PDF)Author(s): Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann An introduction to the Vespers and Divine Liturgy of Great and Holy Saturday. |
Images of Life: An Invitation to Bible Study (HTML)Author(s): Father Paul N. Tarazi |
Church Camps: Building Christian Community (HTML)Author(s): Paul Meyendorff Orthodox Educator. Educators in the Church: Church Camps |
Raising Children: A Commentary by a Saint (HTML)Author(s): Kathleen Haverlack Orthodox Educator. FAMILY LIFE:RAISING CHILDREN
Great Lent: Our Spiritual Spring (Adult Study) (HTML)Author(s): Father Anthony Pluth Orthodox Educator |