Matins of Great and Holy Tuesday (PDF)Author(s): Bible The Gospel from the Matins of Great and Holy Tuesday, Matthew 22:15-46; 23:1-39. |
Matins of Great and Holy Wednesday (PDF)Author(s): Bible The Gospel from the Matins of Great and Holy Wednesday, John 12:17-50. |
Matthew 2:1-12 (HTML)Author(s): Matthew 2 Matthew 2:1-12 presented in the follwoing versions: New Jerusalem Bible,English Revised Bible,American Standard Bible, the New English Bible and King James Bible. For use with the Season of Christmas FOCUS Unit. |
Messages of the Promised Messiah (PDF)Author(s): Department of Christain Education Many people in the Old Testament played an important role in salvation history. They made a covenant with God, and were responsible for upholding their end of the bargain. But we know that human beings are weak. We also have free will, which allows us to choose whether or not we will keep the covenant. Often in the bible, we see that people made the wrong choices. Wanting to guide his people in the right way, God gave us the Law, prophets and saints to act as role models. In this part of the lesson, we will look at the words of the prophet Isaiah, who gives us some of the clearest messages about the coming of the promised Messiah. |
My Guide to Holy Week and the Feast of Palms (PDF)Author(s): DCE Reprinatble guide to the services and theology of the Feast of Palms and Holy Week. |
My Guide to Holy Week and the Feast of Palms (PDF)Author(s): DCE Reprintable 6 page guide to Holy Week and the Feast of Palms, giving themes and hymnography. |
My Orthodox Family - Family Letter (HTML)Author(s): DCE The family letter used for all levels of the FOCUS unit MY ORTHODOX FAMILY |
My Story (Writing Outline #1) (PDF)Author(s): DCE A fill in the blank handout useful in the discussion of family and ancestors. Referenced in "My Orthodox Family". |
Nativity Gospels: Compare & Contrast (PDF)Author(s): Luke 2:1-20 & Matthew 2:1-12 The story of the Nativity of Christ can be found in Luke 2:1-20 and Matthew 2:1-12. Read both of these accounts below and then compare and contrast the two gospel accounts of the Nativity of Christ. |
Nativity of The Theotokos Line Drawing (PDF)Author(s): Fr. John Matusiak The line drawing of the Nativity of The Theotokos. Can be used throughout the Theotokos Unit or as a general handout. |
Nativity of Theotokos - Liturgical Texts (HTML)Text of Troparion, Kontakion and Hymn to the Theotokos |
New Life in Christ (Writing outline #4) (PDF)Author(s): DCE This handout, used in the "My Orthodox Family" unit, examines our own Baptism and Chrismation. It is written for the Intermediate level and above. |
New Life in the Church (Writing outline #5) (PDF)Author(s): DCE This handout, used in the "My Orthodox Family" unit, examines our life as a member of the army of believers. |
New Testament Holy Land Map (PDF)Author(s): Department of Christain Education Regional Map of the Holy Land as it releates to the New Testament. |