St. Peter the Apostle (HTML)Author(s): Department of Christain Education Children's narative about St. Peter the Apostle. |
The Crown of Thorns (PDF)Author(s): Fr. John Matusiak Line drawing of Christ with the Crown of Thorns being laid upon His head. May be reproduced for use with "Journey to Pascha". |
The Crucifixion (PDF)Author(s): Fr. John Matusiak Line drawing of the Crucifixion. May be reproduced for use with "Journey to Pascha" and used for coloring. |
The Eighth Gospel (Luke 23:32-49) (PDF)Author(s): Bible The Eighth Gospel from the Matins of Holy Friday (served on Holy Thursday evening). Referenced in "Journey to Pascha". |
The Eleventh Gospel (John 19:38-42) (PDF)Author(s): Bible The Eleventh Gospel reading from the Matins of Holy Friday (served on Holy Thursday evening). This Gospel is referenced in "Journey to Pascha". |
The Exodus (Writing Outline #3) (PDF)Author(s): DCE Written for the Junior and Intermediate levels of My Orthodox Family this handout examines the Exodus from Egypt, which is chronicled in the Book of Exodus in the Bible. |
The Feast of Palms: Saturday-Sunday (PDF)Author(s): Bible The Gospels for the Divine Liturgy of Lazarus Saturday (John 11:1-45), the Matins of Palm Sunday (Matthew 21:1-11; 15-17) and the Divine Liturgy of Palm Sunday (John 12:1-18). This handout is referenced in the Journey to Pascha unit. |
The Life of St. Romanus (HTML)Author(s): Orthodox Church in America Biography of St. Romanus. |
The Myrrhbearers (PDF)Author(s): Fr. John Matusiak The icon of the Holy Myrrhbearers in line drawing, for coloring. Used in the Journey to Pascha unit. |
The Nativity of Christ (PDF)Author(s): Veselin Kesich A guide to understanding the scriptural account of the Nativity of Christ. This is excellent to read in preparation for today’s session. Additionally, provide a copy for each teen to aid a deeper bible study of Matthew 2:1-12. |
The Ninth Gospel (John 19:25-37) (PDF)Author(s): Bible The Ninth Gospel from the Matins of Holy Friday (served on Holy Thursday evening). Referenced in "Journey to Pascha". |
The Paschal Divine Liturgy (PDF)Author(s): Bible The Gospel from the Paschal Divine Liturgy, John 1:1-17. |