Handout Resources

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The Eighth Gospel (Luke 23:32-49) (PDF)

Author(s): Bible

The Eighth Gospel from the Matins of Holy Friday (served on Holy Thursday evening). Referenced in "Journey to Pascha".

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vespers of pascha (PDF)

Author(s): Bible

The Gospel from the Vespers of Pascha, John 20:19-25.

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Lazarus Saturday & Palm Sunday Troparion (HTML)

Author(s): DCE

Troparion for Lazarus Saturday & Palm Sunday to be used as handouts to students during lesson discussions.

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Christmas Kontakian (HTML)

Author(s): DCE Liturgical Resource

Today the Virgin gives birth....

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Nativity of Theotokos - Liturgical Texts (HTML)

Text of Troparion, Kontakion and Hymn to the Theotokos

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Our Pledge (HTML)

Author(s): V. Rev. Paul Lazor

V. Rev. Paul Lazor’s commentary about Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday.

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Commentary: The Entry into Jerusalem (HTML)

Author(s): Ouspensky/Lossky

Icons of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem are usually distinguished by a very triumphal and festive quality, in keeping with the character of the festival itself, which breaks through the stern and collected mood of the Great Lent and is thus a foretaste of Easter joy.

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Entrance of the Theotokos - Liturgical Texts (HTML)

Text of Troparion and Kontakion for the Feast

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Prayer From Holy Thursday Matins (HTML)

Author(s): Holy Thursday Bride Groom Matins

Opening Prayer used in the FOCUS Unit Journey to Pascha. To be used as a printed handout for each student.

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My Orthodox Family - Family Letter (HTML)

Author(s): DCE

The family letter used for all levels of the FOCUS unit MY ORTHODOX FAMILY

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Eucharistic Prayer (HTML)

Author(s): St. Basil the Great

The Eucharistic Prayer of St. Basil the Great.

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Dormition - Liturgical Texts (HTML)

The text of the Troparion and Kontakion of the Feast

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