Handout Resources

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Author(s): DCE

Handout featuring 12 Questions and Answers relating to Orthodox Worship.

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Akathist to the Icon of the Most-Holy Theotokos (PDF)

According to ancient tradition, the wonderworking icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin is one of several painted by Saint Luke the Evangelist. The icon was taken from Jerusalem to Constantinople in the fifth century, where it was enshrined in the Church of Blachernae, which was built especially for this purpose.

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Annunciation - Line Drawing (PDF)

Author(s): Fr. John Matusiak

The icon of the Annunciation. Can be used throughout the Theotokos Unit or as a general handout.

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Burial of Christ (PDF)

Author(s): Fr. John Matusiak

Line drawing of the icon of the Burial of Christ. Can be reproduced for coloring. Referenced in "Journey to Pascha".

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Christian Friendship Bracelets (PDF)

Author(s): Department of Christain Education

For use as with the FOCUS Unit The Nativity Season (The Winter Saints) or as a general class activity. Friendship bracelets are easy to make and could look great on your wrist for ages. For traditional friendship bracelets, you tie a bracelet to your friend's wrist and they leave it there until it falls off by itself.

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Christmas Kontakian (HTML)

Author(s): DCE Liturgical Resource

Today the Virgin gives birth....

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Commentary: The Entry into Jerusalem (HTML)

Author(s): Ouspensky/Lossky

Icons of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem are usually distinguished by a very triumphal and festive quality, in keeping with the character of the festival itself, which breaks through the stern and collected mood of the Great Lent and is thus a foretaste of Easter joy.

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Divine Liturgy Gospel of Palm Sunday (PDF)

Author(s): Bible

The Gospel from the Liturgy of Palm Sunday, John 12:1-18, the Anointing at Bethany and the Entry into Jerusalem. This Gospel is covered in the Journey to Pascha unit.

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Dormition - Liturgical Texts (HTML)

The text of the Troparion and Kontakion of the Feast

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Entrance of The Theotokos - Line Drawing (PDF)

Author(s): Fr. John Matusiak

The icon of the Entrance of The Theotokos Can be used throughout the Theotokos Unit or as a general handout.

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Entrance of the Theotokos - Liturgical Texts (HTML)

Text of Troparion and Kontakion for the Feast

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Entrance of the Theotokos in the Temple (Icon) (Image)

For use as background information only. When Mary was three years old, her aged parents, Joachim and Anna took her three days journey to present her in the Temple in Jerusalem to fulfill their promise to dedicate her to the Lord's work. The Virgin was clad in royal garments and she was accompanied by a grand procession of her kinsmen each carrying a lighted candle. There were 15 steps leading up to the Temple. Her parents stood her on the first step, then Mary ran to the top. She was received by St. Zacharias, the father of St. John the Forerunner, as he was the High Priest at that time. He took her by the hand and led her into, not only the Holy Place, but into the Holy of Holies. This was the place that only the High Priest was to enter, only on the Day of Atonement. The only explanation is that he was moved by the Spirit of God. Joachim and Anna offered sacrifices to God, received the priest's blessing and returned home. Mary lived in the Temple for nine years. Her parents visited her often until they reposed. She wanted to remain in the Temple all of her days and never marry. The law had no provision for this. It was unheard of for a girl to vow perpetual virginity. So she was betrothed to Joseph. Joseph was an older man whose wife had died leaving him with small children to care for. He needed someone to help him care for the children and she needed someone to protect her in a society that had no place for a single woman. This allowed her to remain a virgin after she left the Temple at age twelve.

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