Christ is Born! A Christmas Pageant (PDF)Author(s): Joanne Patrick |
The Friendly Beasts (PDF)Author(s): Holy Cross, Medford, NJ Christmas or Yolka Program |
Herod Play - template (PDF)Author(s): Dn. Ephraim Rivers |
Parts and Players - Herod (XLS)Author(s): Dn. Ephraim Rivers |
Herod the (Not-So) Great (PDF)Author(s): Dn. Ephraim Rivers |
It's Jesus' Birthday (PDF)Author(s): Fr. Daniel Kovalak |
On the Bethlehem Road (PDF)Author(s): Fr. Daniel Kovalak |
The Christmas Bus (PDF)Author(s): Fr. Daniel Kovalak |
The Christmas Shepherd (PDF)Author(s): DRE Members |
The Jonah Play (PDF)Author(s): DCE The Prophet Jonah is prominently featured during the services of Holy Week in the Orthodox Church. His brief book, found in the Old Testament, is read in its entirety during the Vesperal Liturgy celebrated on Holy Saturday. Jonah himself is referred to in the hymnography of Holy Week. So, he is the focus of this year's activities for Great Lent from the Department of Christian Education of The Orthodox Church in America. Included here are a play written by Shawn Cunningham (www.BigCreekPress.com), and a few puzzles and activities.
The Prophet Daniel Play (PDF)Author(s): Shawn Cunningham A play for fourteen plus players (crowd extras could be any number), this play is an account of the biblical story of Daniel in the Lion's Den. |
Calling All Ancestors of Christ to the Feast of His Nativity (HTML)Author(s): Fr. Dan Kovalak A poem, in the style of "Twas the Night Before Christmas," discussing both our liturgical and personal, spiritual preparation for the feast of the Nativity of Christ. |