The Christmas-Epiphany Season (PDF)Author(s): DCE A quick summary chart of the group levels and sessions of the Christmas-Epiphany Season |
The Mystical Supper icon (Link)Icon of the Mystical Supper |
The Resource Handbook (Link)Author(s): Orthodox Church in America The Resource Handbook for Lay Ministries, published since 1982, comes out in one or two loose-leaf installments per year, each containing five or six articles. It contains a wealth of articles that relate ways parishes and individuals are successfully serving others. It contains practical "how to" ideas for individual and collective parish initiative provide a variety of material upon which to reflect -- and act! |
Unit Study Themes: I Am Orthodox (PDF)Author(s): DCE An overview of the study themes and sessions for My Orthodox Family. |
Unit Themes Overview: Season of Christmas (PDF)Author(s): Department of Christain Education Highlights useful in preparing for the unit The Nativity Season. |