Tool Resources

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Prepare O Bethlehem (Suggested Book)

Author(s): Niko Chocheli

ISBN: Rich and elaborate illustrations of the beloved hymns of the Feast of the Nativity, proclaiming in word, song and color the joy of the Incarnation.

0881412082, 9780881412086

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Christ in the Old Testament (Suggested Book)

Author(s): Thomas Hopko, Niko Chocheli

ISBN: 0881412376, 9780881412376

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Teaching Devices: Learning Levels (PDF)

Author(s): Department of Christain Education

A resource for teachers, giving background in cognitive learning, and the development of appropriate questions.

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Teaching Devices: Personal Value Inventory (PDF)

Author(s): Department of Christain Education

A personal value inventory, for grades 9 & 10, 11 & 12, referenced in My Orthodox Family.

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Teaching Devices: Think & Write Prompts (PDF)

Author(s): Department of Christain Education

A reference for teachers of think and write prompts for reflective writing.

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Teaching Devices: Bulletin Boards (HTML)

Author(s): Nancy Marie Fabricius

Orthodox Educator. CHURCH SCHOOL HINTS

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My Orthodox Family: General Teacher Lesson Notes (HTML)

Author(s): Department of Christain Education

Notes to the leader concerning the Adult Level lessons of My Orthodox Family

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Teaching Devices: General Reading Strategies (HTML)

Author(s): Veronica Bilas

Useful Reading Strategies for in class reading activities.

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Teaching Devices: Reading the Word (HTML)

Author(s): Myra Kovalak & Victoria Jones

The key to using these strategies is to remember that a teacher cannot do them all. Find what works for you and with your particular group of students, but also include variety. Using literacy strategies will help your students to become excited about the text which then becomes more relevant to them and their world. When comprehension is enhanced, students take ownership of the text. How exciting if after using these strategies, the next time the story of the Publican and the Pharisee is read in church, the student recognizes the parable as familiar text! Then, students embrace the meaning of the scripture at a higher level.

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Teaching Devices: Asking Reading Questions (HTML)

Author(s): Maria Proch

A teaching aide use use by teachers and parents when reading to children. It is an easy step by step instruction of questions to ask before during and after reading.

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St. Juliana Lazarevna (Link)

Information about the Saint's life & work, the festal Troparion, and Kontakion.

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St. Nino of Georgia (Link)

Information about the Saint's life & work, the festal Troparion, and Kontakion.

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